Soulful Impact is a community of world-class practitioners building a bridge between the mystical and the practical.

We’ve trained with some of the world’s best coaches, teachers, leaders, and guides. We’ve helped hundreds of people, including top-tier executives and CEOs, connect more deeply to their inner truth and live a life of profound meaning, joy, freedom, and service.

We believe that making an impact that’s deeply rooted in soul is not only the most fulfilling life path imaginable, but also precisely what the world needs most right now.

We believe that the best way to make a positive impact is to remember and embody your soul’s true calling, and our goal with everything we do is to support you in that journey.

We offer transformational experiences, services and content designed to help you come fully alive, lead with purpose and presence, and create authentic, aligned and regenerative impact.

Explore more and engage in our work at

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

— Howard Thurman

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A newsletter and podcast illuminating a path to impact and success with a whole new level of fulfillment and freedom.


A seasoned executive coach, wilderness guide and explorer of consciousness and self-discovery, Brooks helps leaders and dreamers come fully alive so they can create authentic, aligned and regenerative impact.